Detailed Vocal Analysis from Vocal Coach Charmaine Brown


Need advice on a worship song you’re working on? Submit a video recording of you singing a worship song and receive a detailed written critique from vocal coach Charmaine Brown!

After purchasing this product, you’ll receive an email with instructions about how to submit your recording. You will receive your written critique within 14 days of submitting.

**Please note: Purchased vocal critiques are non-refundable and expire one year from purchase.**

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Submit a video recording of you singing a worship song and receive a detailed written critique from vocal coach Charmaine Brown.

It doesn’t need to be a studio-quality recording—phone recordings work well, as long as your voice can be clearly heard and your face can be clearly seen! You may submit one worship song of your choice. Song video must be maximum 5 minutes long. Recording must be one video file only.

You will receive your written critique within 14 days of submitting! Purchased vocal critiques are non-refundable and expire one year from purchase.