
Man jumping in air with microphone and sunglasses on yellow background

Top 3 Secrets for Hitting High Notes… Now!

When it comes to vocal training, we hear the same things over and over. Warm up. Breathe properly. Practice daily. (I’m not saying we DO all these things… hence why we still need reminders about them—but… suffice it to say, they’re not “secrets.”) Some of you do all these things… and more. But you’re still frustrated with your voice. It still cracks and breaks. You’re still intimidated by high notes. Your voice still feels tired after you sing on Sunday mornings. I want to help.

Guitar and pad of paper on wood table

How to Choose a Song Key

In the worship world, there are a lot of differing opinions on how to go about choosing song keys. Personally, I’m a bit tired of hearing people say things like, “this is the reason our congregations aren’t singing”… “worship services are too much like a concert”… “the song keys aren’t congregationally friendly.” Here are eight questions you can ask yourself that will help guide you as you choose your song keys!

Silver mic on analog mixer and bokeh

How to Make Your Singing Sound Better on the Livestream

The concept of “online church” and livestreaming worship and sermons used to be reserved for the hip, youthful, tech-savvy (and usually larger) churches… but now it’s what everybody’s trying to figure out FAST! But if you think that “online church” is just a short-term thing… if you’re just hoping to survive through these next (hopefully) few weeks before things “go back to normal”… think again.

Green healthy vegetables and fruit on wood table

Top 7 Superfoods for Singers

As much as singers often don’t want to hear this… it matters what you put in your body. Your voice is directly impacted by the food that you fuel with. Not indirectly, and not just a little bit. Directly. And in a big, big way. Here are 7 things to fuel with that will make your voice very, very happy.

Woman looking shocked holding hands over mouth

Why Breathing Isn’t Your Problem

Most singers assume that my online vocal courses and private lessons will spend copious amounts of time working on breathing exercises… and then are surprised when I don’t talk about it much at all (gasp… say what?!). I choose to focus on other, more important things.

Man with sore throat because of vocal damage

3 Ways to Protect Against Vocal Damage

Improper singing technique causes your vocal cords to become irritated and inflamed—and when we speak or sing on inflamed cords, the sound becomes distorted… what we call a “hoarse” voice. The real issue comes when you keep singing or even speaking on a hoarse voice… a constant cycle of inflammation leads to cysts, polyps and nodules on the vocal cords (believe me, you don’t wanna go there)…

How to Nail Your Audition

I know many of you already serve on your local worship team (maybe you auditioned a long time ago and made it on, or maybe there wasn’t an audition process you had to go through!), BUT… I meet so many of you who WANT to be on your worship team, but the thought of auditioning sends you back under the covers!

The Power of Vocal Exercise

But what about singing SONGS?! Don’t worry… I know you want to sing… which is the reason I make you buzz your lips and sound like a crazy person saying GOO and NAY in every lesson I teach. But… if you truly understood that these things are the key to unlocking that incredible singing voice that you want… you would NAY NAY NAY all day long.