I’m just coming out of a few weeks of being sick myself (nasty bronchitis/flu bug!)… so I recorded this workout specifically for you to use to ease your voice back into singing after being sick, when you’re fighting allergies, or if your voice is just feeling extra tired from singing on worship team—this is an amazing vocal recovery workout!
These exercises are designed to repair and rebuild the voice, but… they only work well if they’re done light and right—no pushing or straining! When there’s been inflammation in the throat (from cold/flu/allergies/over-singing/etc.), it’s incredibly important to EASE the voice back into singing, NEVER force it!
PS – As you’ll hear me say in the video, it’s totally safe to sing when you’ve got nasal congestion, but NOT when your throat is sore… if you’re feeling any pain or tickle in your throat, just take the day (or a few days!) off before singing again!